Sunday Weekly Update #6 |Easter is over – New blog design – Last days of the #TomeTopple readathon|


Currently reading:

The Book of Strange New Things by Michel Faber – On page 246 of 500

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel – On page 44 of 333

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondō 03h16m of 03h42m

Recently finished:

The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson – 4.5 stars

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak – 3.5 stars

Blankets by Craig Thompson – 4 stars

Reading next:

The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli

Gilded Cage by Vic James


Sunday: Sunday Weekly Update #5 | Easter – Tome Topple Readathon |

Wednesday: Top 5 Wednesday April 19th: Favorite LGBTQ+ Reads

Friday: Tome Topple Readathon Wrap Up



Monday: Today was the last day of Easter, and Emil’s mother invited us to a Easter dinner at her place. It was my mother in law, Emil’s brother and his girlfriend and their child, Emil’s sister and her boyfriend, and of course Emil and I. After dinner we played a Zelda version of monopoly. Sadly we didn’t manage to finish the game before the brothers needed to leave, so we don’t know who won. Emil and I was on the same team and we got both of the last and most expensive places, so I like to think that we had won if we kept on playing. After the dinner we went to the apartment. It is my last day here 😦 I read for a few hours in The Final Empire, and I’m almost done with it. I really love the book.

Tuesday: Right after I woke up my mom came and got me. Since yesterday was the last day of Easter, Emil is back to work and I don’t want to be alone in the apartment all day. At home I ate breakfast and went to my room to rest. After a few hours we went to my weekly Tuesday appointment. I was really tired the whole day, so I didn’t do much other than resting. I read a little bit in my Tome Topple books and watch YT.

Wednesday: The first thing I did this morning was to weigh myself. I’m trying to lose some weight, and I like to weigh myself every Tuesday/Wednesday. I was 100% sure that I had gained some weight back after eating a lot of bad food this Easter. To my surprise I had lost 400g, and I’m now under 80kg! YAY! I have been working on a new blog design for the blog today. I think it is really fun to do, so the hours just flew by. In the evening around 9 I felt a bit sluggish from sitting in front of the PC all day, so mom and I went for a walk. Before bed I read and finished The Final Empire, and I absolutely loved it. It was an excellent story, with a great world building and characters that I really liked. I also read in Blankets.


Trying out a new Snapchat filter

Thursday: Today was very similar to the day before. I worked on the blog design for hours today too, and I’m almost done with it. I’m not 100% sure if I’m loving it, so can you take a look at my test blog and give me some constructive thoughts? . I have been in a bit of a blogging slump lately, so hopefully a new design would spark the interest again. I really want to write all of the reviews that I have notes on. Besides working on the blog design, I have tidied and organised some of my clothing drawers. I’m getting rid of half of my clothes, and it feels really nice to have less stuff. I have also gone for a walk today too.

This is the last day of the Tome Topple readathon, so before bed I finished all of my books. I finished Blankets, my pick for the graphic novel challenge. I liked it, the story was very interesting and raw, and the drawings was good. I also finished The Book thief. Read my Tome Topple Wrap Up HERE!

Blog Design.PNG

New Blog design

Friday: Today I wanted to go to a Library book sale in Oslo, but one person couldn’t go so we are postponing it to tomorrow. The only things I have done today is to write and post the Tome Topple readathon wrap up, watch YT and taken a bath. I started the book Station Eleven. I’m really hyped for it because I have been wanting to read it since it came out in 2014.

Saturday: Today my parents, Emil and I went to the book sale in Oslo that I wanted to go to yesterday. It was OK. I didn’t find that many books, and none that I really wanted. I found a book called Rakels bok (Rakel’s book). I just had to get it, haha. After the Oslo trip, we drove my dad home. He couldn’t come with us because he had work to do at the brewery. We drove into town and went out to a cafe to eat lunch/dinner. I ate a salad with rice noodles and prawns, it was OK. Mom and Emil ate hamburgers. After we were finished eating we went to Pavarotti to watch a band play. Pavarotti is a restaurant/bar that often have live music. Later at home I packed my bag, because I’m staying at Emil’s apartment this weekend. In the evening we watched the first episodes of Iron Fist and an animated movie called 9. I was very skeptical to Iron Fist. So far it is OK, but not as good as the other Marvel/Netflix series. I didn’t read anything today, but that is OK, I did a lot of other fun things.


On the way to Oslo

Sunday: After yesterday’s escapades I fell a bit tired and fatigued today. That is usually how it is with ME/CFS. After the breakfast I started feeling sick and nauseous. I was planning to writing and posting this post but I have to postpone it to tomorrow. Emil is rat sitting (can you say that? Like dog sitting?) some rats for a friend. They are cute, but I don’t love to have them crawling on me, so I’m sitting far away from them when they are out of the cage. I also forgot to mention that I have started The Life-chaning Magic of Tidying Up. I really want to tidy and get rid of the things I don’t need. 


Sleeping in the cage

❤ -Rakel

-How has your week been? Did you do anything fun?



Tome Topple Readathon Wrap Up

The Tome Topple readathon is over for now. It has been be fun two weeks, and I read some great books. I finished 3 of the 4 books that was on my TBR. I read a total of 1777 pages and I’m happy with that. I was planning on reading another tome too, but I didn’t manage to get to it. It has been a very busy two weeks.


The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

  • FINISHED – 643 pages – 4.5 stars

This book was FANTASTIC! I absolutely loved the story and the characters, especially Vin she was my favorite. The world building and the magic system was really great and interesting. Totally lived up to all the hype. Can’t wait to pick up the next book.

Blankets by Craig Thompson

  • FINISHED – 582 pages – 3.5 or 4 stars

I usually don’t read graphic novels, since one of the challenges was to read one I choose to pick one up. I liked the story and the drawings.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

  • FINISHED – 11h9m – 552 pages – 3.5 or 4 stars

I have mixed feelings towards this book. I liked it in the beginning, but after a while I found parts of the book to be a bit repetitive, and boring. I kept on zoning out while listening to the book. Even though I didn’t love every parts of the book, the story did grab me. How could it not when it is about a young girl and her family living in Germany under World War 2? One thing I really liked was the narrator voice, it was an interesting choice.


1 Read more than one tome

I read 3 tomes this readathon.

2 Read a graphic novel

Blankets is a graphic novel.

3 Read a tome that’s part of a series

The Final Empire is the first book in the Mistborn series.

5 Read an adult novel

Even though I didn’t read Kafka on The Shore, I did read an adult novel, The Final Empire.


Day 1: The Final Empire 44 of 643 pages & The Book Thief 1h22m of 11h9m.

Day 2: The Final Empire 104 of 643 pages & The Book Thief 3h12m of 11h9m.

Day 3: The Final Empire 204 of 643 pages & The Book Thief 3h24m of 11h9m.

Day 4: The Final Empire 288 of 643 pages, The Book Thief 4h07m of 11h9m & Blankets 133 of 582 pages.

Day 5: The Final Empire 342 of 643 pages, The Book Thief 4h31m of 11h9m & Blankets 240 of 582 pages.

Day 6: The Final Empire 408 of 643 pages, The Book Thief 4h51m of 11h9m & Blankets 240 of 582 pages.

Day 7: Didn’t read anything.

Day 8: Didn’t read anything.

Day 9: The Final Empire 478 of 643 pages, The Book Thief 5h37m of 11h9m & Blankets 240 of 582 pages.

Day 10: The Final Empire 518 of 643 pages, The Book Thief 6h34m of 11h9m & Blankets 240 of 582 pages.

Day 11: The Final Empire 574 of 643 pages, The Book Thief 7h38m of 11h9m & Blankets 240 of 582 pages.

Day 12: The Final Empire 606 of 643 pages, The Book Thief 8h56m of 11h9m & Blankets 322 of 582 pages.

Day 13: The Final Empire FINISHED 643 of 643 pages, The Book Thief 9h22m of 11h9m & Blankets 448 of 582 pages.

Day 14: The Final Empire FINISHED 643 pages, The Book Thief FINISHED 11h9m & Blankets FINISHED 582 pages.

❤ -Rakel

-Did You Participate In This Round of the Tome Topple Readathon?



Btw what do you think of the new Featured Image on this post? I’m working on a new blog design, and I think I’m almost finished with it. I tested it out in this blog post. Please let me know what you think 🙂 ❤ 

Top 5 Wednesday April 19th: Favorite LGBTQ+ Reads

118368Top 5 Wednesday is created by Gingerreadslainey. Each week there is a new bookish topic, where everyone can join and create their top 5 list. You can find more information on the Top 5 Wednesday goodreads group. This week’s topic is:

Favorite LGBTQ+


-Talk about your favorite books that feature LGBTQ+ characters or are by LGBTQ+ authors.

I’m embarrassed that I only have 3 LGBTQ+ books to recommend, and all of them have m/m romances. I know that there are so many great LGBTQ+ books out there, I just need to get my ass in gear and order some.

More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera

I have talked about this book so many times now. It was one of my favorite reads of last year, and definitely one of the saddest. This story will break your heart! The main character of this book is gay, and the story is about him struggling with that. I don’t want to say too much about what happens in this book, other than that it is highly emotional, heartbreaking and so so GOOD.

The author Adam Silvera is an LGBTQ+ author. He also has another LGBTQ+ book that came out earlier this year, History Is All You Left Me. I haven’t read it yet, but I’m really looking forward to.

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli

This is another LGBTQ+ book that I read last year and LOVED. This book is very different from the book above. It is light hearted, adorable and fun to read, and I had butterflies in my stomach the whole time I was reading it.

The book is about Simon who is chatting with the mysterious and anonymous boy at his school who goes under the alias Blue.

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

This book is tied with the author’s other contemporary book Fangirl. In Fangirl the main character Cath is obsessed with Simon Snow, and she is writing a very successful fanfic of the Simon Snow books. Rainbow Rowell wrote Carry On after Fangirl as a companion novel, and even though both books are tied together you don’t need to read both.

So over to Carry On, because that is the book I’m going to be talking about today. I just needed to mention Fangirl, hehe. This is a fantasy book that follows Simon Snow, his last year at the magical school he is attending. This is a LGBTQ+ book because the romance in this book is m/m romance. The book is a fun and cute read, and even though it is a fantasy novel it has this contemporary feeling about it.

❤ -Rakel

-Did You Participate In This Weeks T5W? I Would Love To Read Your Post.


Sunday Weekly Update #5 | Easter – Tome Topple Readathon |

week in books

Currently reading:

The Book of Strange New Things by Michel Faber – On page 246 of 500

The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson – On page 478 of 643

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak – 06h34m of 11h

Blankets by Craig Thompson – On page 240 of 582

Recently finished:


Reading next:

Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

week in blog posts

Sunday: Sunday Weekly Update #4 |Cabin Trip – Tome Topple Readathon|

Monday: Spring 2017 Wishlist – Books

Thursday: Top 5 Wednesday April 12th: Books That Would Make Good Video Games



Today my mom and I went to the mall because I needed to take some photo booth pictures for a document. So glad I have finally done it. I found a really pretty gold mirror in one of the interior design shops. It would have looked great above the sofa in Emil’s apartment. Too bad it was way over my price range, 2500 NRK – $300. I was almost scared to go out today because of the recent threat of terror. Last week a big truck drove down and killed a lot of people in Sweden and this week they found a bomb in Oslo. After the mall I didn’t do much, other than posting a blog post and read. I read in The Final Empire for the Tome Topple readathon all evening, and manage to read 90 pages. That is a lot for me. I also started Blankets, and read 130 pages in that book too.

Tome Topple Readathon day 4: The Final Empire 288 of 643 pages, The Book Thief 4h07m of 11h & Blankets 133 of 582.


Today I haven’t done anything special other than my weekly Tuesday appointment. I started writing this week’s T5W post, and read a bit in my book. Lol, at this rate I’m not going to finish all of the tomes for this readathon. I’m already behind with 200 pages or so.

Tome Topple Readathon day 5: The Final Empire 342 of 643 pages, The Book Thief 4h31m of 11h & Blankets 240 pages of 582.


I have done a lot lately so I needed a day to relax, that is very important when you have ME/CFS. I have planted some of my sprouted herbs into gravel. My plan was to post this week’s T5W today since it is Wednesday, but my cousin and her family came for a surprise visit. I ended up having to postpone it one day. In the evening I took a bath, watched YT and read in The Final Empire.

Tome Topple Readathon day 6: The Final Empire 408 of 643 pages, The Book Thief 4h51m of 11h & Blankets 240 of 582.



Today I visited my friend Maria and her sister Linn. We made some waffles, and they tasted delicious. Norwegian waffles are not the same as American or Belgian waffles, they are skinnier and in another shape. It was a fun evening, I always love seeing Linn and Maria. After the girls night I went to Emil’s apartment, because I’m going to stay here the whole Easter. I didn’t read anything today because I was tired and I wanted to spend time with Emil.

Tome Topple Readathon day 7: Didn’t read anything.



Today I haven’t done much, only been inside the apartment. Around noon my mom and my cousin came for a visit. He is staying at my parents house for a couple of days. We served the leftover waffles from yesterday and coffee. In the evening we made some Indian food and watched A Series of Unfortunate Events. Later in the night we watched the whole Zodiac movie. It was really interesting, especially how they chose to have the colors yellow and blue going through the whole movie. What was the meaning behind that? Now I want to research more about the Zodiac killer, haha. I didn’t read anything today either, ah this readathon is going to shit. I was doing ok, but now I’m really falling behind.

Tome Topple Readathon day 8: Didn’t read anything.


We haven’t done anything special today either. We are just relaxing and spending time together this Easter. Earlier today we watched the first episodes in the new season of Attack on Titan. That anime is really good, and we have been waiting for a new season for years. We also finished A Series of Unfortunate events. I really liked the adaptation. I need to finish the book series, but I have gotten kind of bored with it. In the evening Emil played Zelda and I read in The Final Empire.

Tome Topple Readathon day 9: The Final Empire 478 of 643 pages, The Book Thief 5h37m of 11h & Blankets 240 of 582.


So far today I haven’t done much. I’m rushing to finish this post because we are going to Emil’s dad for dinner, and we are leaving in 30 min. Hope you had a great Easter

❤ -Rakel

-How has your week been?


Top 5 Wednesday April 12th: Books That Would Make Good Video Games

118368Top 5 Wednesday is created by Gingerreadslainey. Each week there is a new bookish topic, where everyone can join and create their top 5 list. You can find more information on the Top 5 Wednesday goodreads group. This week’s topic is:

books that would.png

make good video games.png

-Since I’ve been in video game hell (in a good way) for the past year, this topic is timely. Remember, not all video games are action games! The Sims has proven that 🙂

This week’s topic was really fun to do since it merges my two favourite things in this world, books and video games! I have tried to do different video games genres, so I ended up on including my favorites. This was so much fun to do, I could probably find 5 more books to add to this list.

Sorry that this post is one day late. I didn’t manage to finish this post in time, because we got a surprise visit from my cousin and her family yesterday.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

This was the first book I thought of when I heard this week’s T5W topic. The book would be awesome as a story based game like an RPG, or that the VR game/world, Oasis, in the books was real. 

Red Rising series by Pierce Brown

This book would be awesome as a RPG game where you are a member or the leader of the rebellion/Sons Of Ares. The main story/main quest is to take down the golds and the society as it is just like the books. Plus having side quests where you are doing different tasks. 

The Girl with All the Gifts by M.R. Carey

I can definitely imagine this book as an interactive story, just like the Walking Dead games by Telltale. 

The Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson

I’m currently reading this book, it is the first book in the Mistborn trilogy. It would be really awesome to play a character who is a Mistborn with all of the allomancy powers. The story in the book could also be included in the game, since the worldbuilding is great and the story is really interesting. The genre could either be a RPG, or be similar to the game Dishonored where you also have abilities and the story is to take down the government.

The Martian by Andy Weir

This book would be great as a mix of both a survival game and a simulator game, where the player has to survive on Mars just like the MC in the book. If you do anything wrong or can’t do what you need in time you die. 

❤ -Rakel

-Did You Participate In This Weeks T5W? I Would Love To Read Your Post.


Spring 2017 Wishlist – Books


Here are 15 books that are on my wishlist for this spring. This list contains both new releases and backlist books. I’m open for new recommendations to add to my wishlist so if you have one or more write them in the comments. I’m especially looking for books with f/f-lesbian-bi-+++ characters. This list is in no particular order.

We Are the Ants By Shaun David Hutchinson

There are a few things Henry Denton knows, and a few things he doesn’t.

Henry knows that his mom is struggling to keep the family together, and coping by chain-smoking cigarettes. He knows that his older brother is a college dropout with a pregnant girlfriend. He knows that he is slowly losing his grandmother to Alzheimer’s. And he knows that his boyfriend committed suicide last year.

What Henry doesn’t know is why the aliens chose to abduct him when he was thirteen, and he doesn’t know why they continue to steal him from his bed and take him aboard their ship. He doesn’t know why the world is going to end or why the aliens have offered him the opportunity to avert the impending disaster by pressing a big red button.

But they have. And they’ve only given him 144 days to make up his mind.

The question is whether Henry thinks the world is worth saving. That is, until he meets Diego Vega, an artist with a secret past who forces Henry to question his beliefs, his place in the universe, and whether any of it really matters. But before Henry can save the world, he’s got to figure out how to save himself, and the aliens haven’t given him a button for that.

History is All You Left Me By Adam Silvera

When Griffin’s first love and ex-boyfriend, Theo, dies in a drowning accident, his universe implodes. Even though Theo had moved to California for college and started seeing Jackson, Griffin never doubted Theo would come back to him when the time was right. But now, the future he’s been imagining for himself has gone far off course.

To make things worse, the only person who truly understands his heartache is Jackson. But no matter how much they open up to each other, Griffin’s downward spiral continues. He’s losing himself in his obsessive compulsions and destructive choices, and the secrets he’s been keeping are tearing him apart.

If Griffin is ever to rebuild his future, he must first confront his history, every last heartbreaking piece in the puzzle of his life.

The Hate U Give By Angie Thomas

Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep school she attends. The uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered when Starr witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend Khalil at the hands of a police officer. Khalil was unarmed.

Soon afterward, his death is a national headline. Some are calling him a thug, maybe even a drug dealer and a gangbanger. Protesters are taking to the streets in Khalil’s name. Some cops and the local drug lord try to intimidate Starr and her family. What everyone wants to know is: what really went down that night? And the only person alive who can answer that is Starr.

But what Starr does or does not say could upend her community. It could also endanger her life.

A List of Cages By Robin Roe

When Adam Blake lands the best elective ever in his senior year, serving as an aide to the school psychologist, he thinks he’s got it made. Sure, it means a lot of sitting around, which isn’t easy for a guy with ADHD, but he can’t complain, since he gets to spend the period texting all his friends. Then the doctor asks him to track down the troubled freshman who keeps dodging her, and Adam discovers that the boy is Julian—the foster brother he hasn’t seen in five years.

Adam is ecstatic to be reunited. At first, Julian seems like the boy he once knew. He’s still kindhearted. He still writes stories and loves picture books meant for little kids. But as they spend more time together, Adam realizes that Julian is keeping secrets, like where he hides during the middle of the day, and what’s really going on inside his house. Adam is determined to help him, but his involvement could cost both boys their lives…

Hidden Figures By Margot Lee Shetterly

The phenomenal true story of the black female mathematicians at NASA whose calculations helped fuel some of America’s greatest achievements in space. Now a major motion picture starring Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae, Kirsten Dunst, and Kevin Costner.

Before John Glenn orbited the Earth or Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, a group of dedicated female mathematicians known as “human computers” used pencils, slide rules, and adding machines to calculate the numbers that would launch rockets and astronauts into space.

Among these problem solvers were a group of exceptionally talented African American women, some of the brightest minds of their generation. Originally relegated to teaching math in the South’s segregated public schools, they were called into service during the labor shortages of World War II, when America’s aeronautics industry was in dire need of anyone who had the right stuff. Suddenly these overlooked math whizzes had shots at jobs worthy of their skills, and they answered Uncle Sam’s call, moving to Hampton, Virginia, and the fascinating, high-energy world of the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory.

Even as Virginia’s Jim Crow laws required them to be segregated from their white counterparts, the women of Langley’s all-black West Computing group helped America achieve one of the things it desired most: a decisive victory over the Soviet Union in the Cold War and complete domination of the heavens.

Starting in World War II and moving through to the Cold War, the civil rights movement, and the space race, Hidden Figures follows the interwoven accounts of Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, Katherine Johnson, and Christine Darden, four African American women who participated in some of NASA’s greatest successes. It chronicles their careers over nearly three decades as they faced challenges, forged alliances, and used their intellects to change their own lives – and their country’s future.

Every Heart a Doorway By Seanan McGuire

Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children

No Solicitations

No Visitors

No Quests

Children have always disappeared under the right conditions; slipping through the shadows under a bed or at the back of a wardrobe, tumbling down rabbit holes and into old wells, and emerging somewhere… else.

But magical lands have little need for used-up miracle children.

Nancy tumbled once, but now she’s back. The things she’s experienced… they change a person. The children under Miss West’s care understand all too well. And each of them is seeking a way back to their own fantasy world.

But Nancy’s arrival marks a change at the Home. There’s a darkness just around each corner, and when tragedy strikes, it’s up to Nancy and her new-found schoolmates to get to the heart of the matter.

No matter the cost.

Caraval By Stephanie Garber

Remember, it’s only a game…

Scarlett Dragna has never left the tiny island where she and her sister, Tella, live with their powerful, and cruel, father. Now Scarlett’s father has arranged a marriage for her, and Scarlett thinks her dreams of seeing Caraval—the faraway, once-a-year performance where the audience participates in the show—are over.

But this year, Scarlett’s long-dreamt-of invitation finally arrives. With the help of a mysterious sailor, Tella whisks Scarlett away to the show. Only, as soon as they arrive, Tella is kidnapped by Caraval’s mastermind organizer, Legend. It turns out that this season’s Caraval revolves around Tella, and whoever finds her first is the winner.

Scarlett has been told that everything that happens during Caraval is only an elaborate performance. Nevertheless she becomes enmeshed in a game of love, heartbreak, and magic. And whether Caraval is real or not, Scarlett must find Tella before the five nights of the game are over or a dangerous domino effect of consequences will be set off, and her beloved sister will disappear forever.

Welcome, welcome to Caraval…beware of getting swept too far away.

The Unseen World By Liz Moore

The moving story of a daughter’s quest to discover the truth about her beloved father’s hidden past

Ada Sibelius is raised by David, her brilliant, eccentric, socially inept single father, who directs a computer science lab in 1980s-era Boston. Home-schooled, Ada accompanies David to work every day; by twelve, she is a painfully shy prodigy. The lab begins to gain acclaim at the same time that David’s mysterious history comes into question. When his mind begins to falter, leaving Ada virtually an orphan, she is taken in by one of David’s colleagues. Soon after she embarks on a mission to uncover her father’s secrets: a process that carries her from childhood to adulthood. What Ada discovers on her journey into a virtual universe will keep the reader riveted until The Unseen World’s heart-stopping, fascinating conclusion.

Gilded Cage By Vic James

Not all are free. Not all are equal. Not all will be saved.

Our world belongs to the Equals — aristocrats with magical gifts — and all commoners must serve them for ten years. But behind the gates of England’s grandest estate lies a power that could break the world.

A girl thirsts for love and knowledge.

Abi is a servant to England’s most powerful family, but her spirit is free. So when she falls for one of the noble-born sons, Abi faces a terrible choice. Uncovering the family’s secrets might win her liberty, but will her heart pay the price?

A boy dreams of revolution.

Abi’s brother, Luke, is enslaved in a brutal factory town. Far from his family and cruelly oppressed, he makes friends whose ideals could cost him everything. Now Luke has discovered there may be a power even greater than magic: revolution.

And an aristocrat will remake the world with his dark gifts.

He is a shadow in the glittering world of the Equals, with mysterious powers no one else understands. But will he liberate—or destroy?

Binti By Nnedi Okorafor

Her name is Binti, and she is the first of the Himba people ever to be offered a place at Oomza University, the finest institution of higher learning in the galaxy. But to accept the offer will mean giving up her place in her family to travel between the stars among strangers who do not share her ways or respect her customs.

Knowledge comes at a cost, one that Binti is willing to pay, but her journey will not be easy. The world she seeks to enter has long warred with the Meduse, an alien race that has become the stuff of nightmares. Oomza University has wronged the Meduse, and Binti’s stellar travel will bring her within their deadly reach.

If Binti hopes to survive the legacy of a war not of her making, she will need both the gifts of her people and the wisdom enshrined within the University, itself – but first she has to make it there, alive.

Lagoon By Nnedi Okorafor

When a massive object crashes into the ocean off the coast of Lagos, Nigeria’s most populous and legendary city, three people wandering along Bar Beach (Adaora, the marine biologist- Anthony, the rapper famous throughout Africa- Agu, the troubled soldier) find themselves running a race against time to save the country they love and the world itself… from itself.

Told from multiple points of view and crisscrossing narratives, combining everything from superhero comics to Nigerian mythology to tie together a story about a city consuming itself.

‘There was no time to flee. No time to turn. No time to shriek. And there was no pain. It was like being thrown into the stars.’

The Girls By Emma Cline

Northern California, during the violent end of the 1960s. At the start of summer, a lonely and thoughtful teenager, Evie Boyd, sees a group of girls in the park, and is immediately caught by their freedom, their careless dress, their dangerous aura of abandon. Soon, Evie is in thrall to Suzanne, a mesmerizing older girl, and is drawn into the circle of a soon-to-be infamous cult and the man who is its charismatic leader. Hidden in the hills, their sprawling ranch is eerie and run down, but to Evie, it is exotic, thrilling, charged—a place where she feels desperate to be accepted. As she spends more time away from her mother and the rhythms of her daily life, and as her obsession with Suzanne intensifies, Evie does not realize she is coming closer and closer to unthinkable violence, and to that moment in a girl’s life when everything can go horribly wrong.

My Favourite Manson Girl/American Girls By Alison Umminger

Anna is a fifteen-year-old girl slouching toward adulthood, and she’s had it with her life at home. So Anna “borrows” her stepmom’s credit card and runs away to Los Angeles, where her half-sister takes her in. But LA isn’t quite the glamorous escape Anna had imagined.

As Anna spends her days on TV and movie sets, she engrosses herself in a project researching the murderous Manson girls—and although the violence in her own life isn’t the kind that leaves physical scars, she begins to notice the parallels between herself and the lost girls of LA, and of America, past and present.

In Anna’s singular voice, we glimpse not only a picture of life on the B-list in LA, but also a clear-eyed reflection on being young, vulnerable, lost, and female in America—in short, on the B-list of life. Alison Umminger writes about girls, sex, violence, and which people society deems worthy of caring about, which ones it doesn’t, in a way not often seen in YA fiction.

The Thief By Megan Whalen Turner

The king’s scholar, the magus, believes he knows the site of an ancient treasure. To attain it for his king, he needs a skillful thief, and he selects Gen from the king’s prison. The magus is interested only in the thief’s abilities.

What Gen is interested in is anyone’s guess. Their journey toward the treasure is both dangerous and difficult, lightened only imperceptibly by the tales they tell of the old gods and goddesses.

The Female of the Species By Mindy Mcginnis

Alex Craft knows how to kill someone. And she doesn’t feel bad about it. When her older sister, Anna, was murdered three years ago and the killer walked free, Alex uncaged the language she knows best. The language of violence.

While her crime goes unpunished, Alex knows she can’t be trusted among other people, even in her small hometown. She relegates herself to the shadows, a girl who goes unseen in plain sight, unremarkable in the high school hallways.

But Jack Fisher sees her. He’s the guy all other guys want to be: the star athlete gunning for valedictorian with the prom queen on his arm. Guilt over the role he played the night Anna’s body was discovered hasn’t let him forget Alex over the years, and now her green eyes amid a constellation of freckles have his attention. He doesn’t want to only see Alex Craft; he wants to know her.

So does Peekay, the preacher’s kid, a girl whose identity is entangled with her dad’s job, though that does not stop her from knowing the taste of beer or missing the touch of her ex-boyfriend. When Peekay and Alex start working together at the animal shelter, a friendship forms and Alex’s protective nature extends to more than just the dogs and cats they care for.

Circumstances bring Alex, Jack, and Peekay together as their senior year unfolds. While partying one night, Alex’s darker nature breaks out, setting the teens on a collision course that will change their lives forever.

❤ -Rakel

-Have you read any of these books? Which books are on your spring wishlist? 


Sunday Weekly Update #4 |Cabin Trip – Tome Topple Readathon|

week in books

Currently reading:

The Book of Strange New Things by Michel Faber – On page 246 of 500.

The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey – On page 167 of 385.

The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson – On page 128 of 643

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak – 03h12m of 11h

Recently finished:

Grave Peril (The Dresden Files, #3) by Jim Butcher – 3 stars

#famous by Jilly Gagnon – 2.5 stars

Reading next:

Blankets by Craig Thompson

Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

week in blog posts

Sunday: Sunday Weekly Update #3

Monday: April 2017 To Be Read – HUGE TBR!

Wednesday: Top 5 Wedneday April 5th: Top SFF Books on Your TBR



I have been very productive today when it comes to writing blog posts. I have finished up and posted my April TBR. I have also written this week’s T5W, and started a review of Holding Up The Universe. I will hopefully finish it before Friday. Other than working on some blog posts, I haven’t done much today. My mom and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. I can’t believe that I put 12 books on this month’s TBR. That is way too ambitious for me, I usually only read half of that. It’s especially crazy since I’m doing more now than I used to do before. In the evening I just played Dishonored for a couple of hours, and read 70 pages in Grave Peril. I’m on page 262.


Today I went to my weekly Tuesday appointment. In the car to the appointment I read in Grave Peril. I need to finish it before the Tome Topple readathon starts. The book is starting to grow on me, even though the writing still isn’t my favorite. In the evening my Emil (bf) and I watched the first episode of season 3 of Rick and Morty. If you haven’t watched that show, you need to. It is FANTASTIC! After that we watched Twin Peaks. Before bed I finished up the T5W post for tomorrow. I’m also starting to not feel good, my body is aching. I hope I’m not getting sick, that would be terrible.


Today I met my friend Maria in town and we grabbed a coffee together. We choose to try out Starbucks. I have never been to Starbucks before, only on holiday out of the country. The only Starbucks in town is pretty new, or have been here for just a few years. I ordered a latte and a brownie, the brownie was almost too sweet but it tasted alright. After Starbucks we went shopping and bought myself a new lipstick. I wanted to try out a liquid lipstick in a brownish tone for a while now. I ended up on buying a NYX Liquid Suede liquid lipstick in the color Soft Spoken. I also bought a new pair of pair of pants that I’m planning on using this weekend. I have to mention this weird thing that happened to us. When we were on our way out of the mall, there was this guy, probably around 18-20 years old, so younger than me. He was standing in the hallway that you use to exit the mall. When we walked past him he shouted after us; You, you with the glasses, you are kind of cute! (something like that, translated from Norwegian). I didn’t answer and just kept on walking, so he shouted it several times. It was a really weird and creepy situation. Have something like this happened to you? Before bed I read in Grave Peril. I’m almost finished with the book now.


I had a big plan to be very productive today, writing some blog posts, pack everything that I need for the trip this weekend, take a bath, reading and finishing Grave Peril and other things. But something happened that stole all of my energy. So I only manage to start the review of Holding up the Universe, write down some of my diary this week and taking a bath. I also manage to pack a little bit of clothes. When I was packing a decor item made of glass that was standing on a shelf in my room, fell down and broke in 1000 pieces. This was just the topping of bad things that happened this day. I loved that thing because my mom got it from her sister when they were young. It meant a lot to us because my aunt died a couple of years ago. I’m sad it broke because of the sentimental reason and that I really liked the look of it. I’m so tired tonight that I didn’t manage to finish Grave Peril, even though I only have 20 pages left. My TBR for this month is already going to shit, lol.



This weekend Emil and I, and some friends of us are going on a cabin trip to Norefjell. Today I packed up the rest of the things I need for the trip, and just relaxed and saved some energy for the weekend. In the evening Emil picked me up and we drove for 1 ½ hours to the mountain. It is my first time here, because the cabin was built after I got ill. The cabin is really nice with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, and it wasn’t as cold as I had expected it would be. I’m not going to need all the warm clothes I packed haha. After we got settled in we made some tacos for dinner, and just talked and played some cards. Today is also the first day of the Tome Topple Readathon. I have started two tomes for the readathon: The Final Empire and The Book Thief.

What I read today for the Tome Topple Readathon: The last 20 pages of Grave Peril, 44 pages of The Last Empire and 1h22m of The Book Thief.



In the morning before I was up, the boys went to ski at the ski center. Victoria and I was home with the dogs, and just relaxed and talked. I also read 60 pages in The Final Empire, I’m liking it so far. Many hours later when the boys came home we grilled some food and ate dinner. In the evening we played “Rykte Går” (I don’t know what the English version is called). That game was so much fun, and we played it for hours. We stayed up really late so I didn’t read anything more in my book.

What I read today for the Tome Topple Readathon: 60 pages of The Last Empire and 1h22m of The Book Thief.



In the morning we packed up all of our things and cleared out the cabin before driving home. In the car on the way home I read 30 pages of The Final Empire. Now it is later in the day and I’m sitting in my room writing this blog post. The rest of the day I’ll just relax and watch some YT and read in my book.

❤ -Rakel

-How has your week been?


Top 5 Wedneday April 5th: Top SFF Books on Your TBR

118368Top 5 Wednesday is created by Gingerreadslainey. Each week there is a new bookish topic, where everyone can join and create their top 5 list. You can find more information on the Top 5 Wednesday goodreads group. This week’s topic is:

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–Talk about the science fiction and fantasy books you want to read ASAP!

In this list I’m only going to put books that I own, and not my Goodreads wish list/TBR.

Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson

This is a series I have heard excellent things about, and because of that I have wanted to read it for the longest time. I’m finally going to read it this month as one of my picks for the Tome Topple readathon. I’m so glad I’m finally picking it up.

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

This is another book that I have heard excellent things about. If I have to pick one book that I have heard people rave about the most, it has to be this. I haven’t read it yet because of its size and because of all the hype (I’m scared of the possible let down for me). It is a daunting book to pick up.

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

Yet again, this is a series that I have heard great things about. Can you see a theme in my picks for this T5W? Haha. I got this book for Christmas, so I haven’t owned it for that long. I want to read it soon, now that the third book just came out. I like to wait until all or more than one of the books in a series is out before I start it.

Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare

I really enjoy reading Cassandra Clare’s books set in the Shadowhunter universe. I need to get to this soon, because book 2 is right around the corner.

Here are some other SFF books that are high on my TBR:

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers #1) by Becky Chambers

The Fifth Season (The Broken Earth #1) by N.K. Jemisin

Sleeping Giants (Themis Files #1) by Sylvain Neuvel

Replica (Replica #1) by Lauren Oliver

Odinsbarn (Ravneringene #1) by Siri Pettersen

The Black Prism (Lightbringer #1) by Brent Weeks

❤ -Rakel

-Did You Participate In This Weeks T5W? I Would Love To Read Your Post.


April 2017 To Be Read – HUGE TBR!

My TBR for this month is HUGE! I’m going to continue the 4 books that I didn’t manage to finish last month, 4 books that I want to start and 4 books that I’m planning to read for the Tome Topple readathon. That is 12 books. 12 BOOKS! Help me! Why am I always so ambitious with my TBR lists? Haha, I’ll try to read them all, but I can’t promise that I will succeed. 

1 of the books I have received from Netgalley

6 of the books fits the Beat The Backlist Challenge

3 of the books first the Dystopian Bingo

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The Book of Strange New Things by Michel Faber

I’m halfway through this book, and I’m loving it so far. It has taken me a while to read because it is the kind of book that takes longer to read. I can only read 30 pages an hour in this book. It is really good though. 

The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey

I’m not enjoying this book, and I don’t know if I want to continue reading it. I’m going to give it one more month, and if I don’t finish it I’m going to DNF it.

#famous by Jilly Gagnon

I’m listening to the audiobook version of this book, and I’m almost finished with it. The book is just ok so far, nothing special. Probably a 2 or 3 star read.

Grave Peril by Jim Butcher

Book 3 in The Dresden Files

I’m almost halfway through this book, and I like it so far. It is not my favorite, but enjoyable. I hope that the series will get better, because I have heard great things about it.

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Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

Every month I’m going to randomly pick one book from my Beat The Backlist Challenge list, that I have to read. This month I randomly generated the letter M, and I picked Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel to read.

I wanted to read this book for the longest time. Finally I’m going to pick it up, and I’m really looking forward to reading it.

Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli

Sadly I didn’t manage to get to this book before March was over, so I had to add it to this month’s TBR as well. I received this book from Netgalley as an eArc, and I’m so happy about that. Her other book, Simon V.S. The Homo Sapiens Agenda was one of my favorite reads of last year. I’m really pumped to read and review this book.

Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

Book 2 in Shatter Me

I read Shatter Me last month, and I liked it. I think the series will get better with book 2. I’m going to borrow a copy from the library, and hopefully get to it this month.

Gilded Cage by Vic James

Book 1 in Dark Gifts

This is  the audiobook I will be listening to after the Tome Topple readathon. 

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From April 7th to April 20th I’m going to participate in the Tome Topple Readathon. Click HERE to get to my Tome Topple Readathon post. 

The Final Empire (Mistborn #1) by Brandon Sanderson

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Blankets by Craig Thompson

Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

❤ -Rakel

-What Are You Planning To Read This Month?

-And Have You Read Any Of These Books?


Sunday Weekly Update #3

week in books

Currently reading:

The Book of Strange New Things by Michel Faber – On page 246 of 500.

The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey – On page 167 of 385.

Grave Peril (The Dresden Files, #3) by Jim Butcher – On page 148 of 378

#famous by Jilly Gagnon – 04h15m of 6h18m

Recently finished:

Shatter Me (Shatter Me #1) by Tahereh Mafi – 3 stars

The Magicians (The Magicians, #1) by Lev Grossman – 3 stars

Reading next:

Continue what I’m already reading

week in blog posts

Sunday: Sunday Weekly Update #2 | Makeup – Reading Slump – Party

Monday: Tome Topple Readathon – To Be Read

Wednesday: Review: Red Seas Under Red Skies – The Gentleman Bastards #2 by Scott Lynch | Fantasy |

Friday: March 2017 Monthly Wrap Up – What I Read This Month


Monday: Today I had an appointment in town. It has been a lot of appointments lately. Hopefully this will be the last one for a while. After the appointment I met my mom at a cafe, and when we finished our coffee we went shopping. I bought myself a spring jacket. I really needed it because it was sunny and hot outside, and my winter jacket was killing me in the heat. Plus the jacket looked really cool. In the evening I have been writing and posting a blog post, and been watching the latest episode of Big Little Lies. Omg that show is good! Can’t wait for the next and final episode, I need to know what happens. Before bed I read and finished Shatter Me. The book really grew on me, and I actually think I might continue reading the series. I’m not 100% sure yet if I’ll give it 3 or 3.5 stars.

Tuesday: Today I went to my weekly Thursday appointment. When I came home my energy level was still good, so my BF and I went to the library. I borrowed Blanket, a graphic novel for the Tome Topple readathon that starts April 7th. I can’t believe that going out twice in one day would go so well. Just a few months back I would get really exhausted and fatigued. Since the drive to the appointment takes around 45 minutes each way, I like to have a book with me. I needed a new book since I finished Shatter Me yesterday, and I choose to pick up Grave Peril by Jim Butcher. I own almost every book in the Dresden Files series. It was about time to continue with the series.

Wednesday: All I have done today is watch YT and Girls. I hate the character Hannah, she is so incredibly unlikable. But the show itself is good. It took me several hours of procrastination to finish up my review and post it. Not the most productive day. I’m on page 108 in Grave Peril. I like it so far. The books are supposed to get better, so I hope that this one is better than the previous books. I also finished The Magicians. It was ok. I haven’t figured out how many stars to give it yet. I also started a new audiobook, #famous. I needed a short audiobook that I can finish before the Tome Topple readathon.

Thursday: Today I met one of my best friends Fredrik in town and, we got a coffee together. It feels so great to finally be able to meet my friends again, and go out to a coffee place. I have been very isolated at home the last years because of my illness (M.E.). Since I don’t have a driver’s license my mom picked me up, and on the way home my brother and his girlfriend arrived with the train. It was really nice to see my brother again, I haven’t seen him in a while. Before bed I read a few pages in Grave Peril.

Friday: In the evening I went to an open brewery at my dad’s brewery. The open brewery means that people can come and buy their beer at the small pub inside the brewery, you can also get a tour where they show how they brew. I went with my BF, mom, aunt, brother and his girlfriend. It was a fun evening.

Saturday: Today the whole family + my aunt and cousin went out to eat at an Indian restaurant. The food was excellent, I think I ate too much. It was a really nice evening and we need to do it again soon.


Sunday: Today I haven’t done much. My brother, his girlfriend, my boyfriend and I played a board game together. After that I went for a walk, and now I’m writing this blog post. I haven’t been reading a lot this week, so I want to pick up a book and read for some hours later in the evening.


❤ -Rakel

-How has your week been?