TOP 5 WEDNESDAY // August 16th: Characters’ Fitness Routines You Want

118368Top 5 Wednesday is created by Gingerreadslainey. Each week there is a new bookish topic, where everyone can join and create their top 5 list. You can find more information on the Top 5 Wednesday goodreads group. This week’s topic is:

Characters' FitnessROUTINES I WANT

– This can be interpreted a bunch of different ways! Fitness comes in many different packages. This can be about characters who are super fast, strong, agile, good at dancing, good at climbing, athletes, or foodies! Whatever it means to you. This is inspired by those routines you see in magazines for actors, but with more of an open mind and less body shaming 🙂

Even though I couldn’t work out for 5 min because of my chronic illness, a girl can dream. It was fun to put together this list and dream away to something that can never happen. 


The fitness and training routine to become a good Shadowhunter always intrigued me. It sounds like fun and so much work to become a skilled Shadowhunter. I wan’t to be bad ass in a leather suit, and train with swords and other fancy gear that they use.

I haven’t watched the show, so the training I’m referring to is what I see in my head when reading the books.



It would be so incredible awesome to be a Mistborn. It’s a lot of hard work behind mastering the Allomancy metals.



I put this on the list, not because I want to be a pro quidditch player, but because it looks so much fun (and so scary) to fly with a broomstick.


Katnis Everdeen/Archery

This is actually something I wan’t to do in the future. I wan’t to try and shoot with a bow. It has been on my bucket list for many years. I just need to get more strength in my arms first. I don’t think I even could hold a bow with the arms I have now. Hopefully in a couple of years when my health is even better and my arms have more strength.


-Did You Participate In This Weeks T5W? I Would Love To Read Your Post.

❤ -Rakel



16 thoughts on “TOP 5 WEDNESDAY // August 16th: Characters’ Fitness Routines You Want

      1. Totally agreed 🙂 I tried archery once a million years ago when I was in high school (lol) and it wasn’t pretty lol I walked around with a massive bruise on the inside of my arm for weeks after that 😂💖

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  1. I think I’d love Quidditch and archery the best! I’ve done muggle Quidditch before and it’s super fun (of course, not as awesome as if there was flying involved but still). I’ve also tried archery but never really got the chance to practice it in a serious manner.
    Great choices, Rakel! 🙂

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